Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Rules for a Fake Sugar Daddy

I have a few rules for a Fake Sugar Daddy, these are to keep you safe(r) from blackmail, extremely awkward situations, and to ensure you have a great time!
  • Create new accounts specifically for this.
    • I recommend Gmail for email and GTalk 
    • Yahoo for their IM although 18-21 year old women don't seem to IM as much anymore
    • Skype 
    • Google Voice account and number, don't give out your real number!  Only give out your new Google Voice number.
    • Make sure the accounts can't be traced back to you easily.  This means don't register with your real first and last names.  First name is ok if it's a common first name, but you don't want these women looking you up on Facebook or even worse showing up at your door to "surprise you".
  • Don't tell anyone where you live.
    • If you live in a small town or smaller city register on the websites as living near a larger city.  Then you can tell them later that you live in a suburb that's easier for you to get to and just say you said you lived in the city "because no one from out of town knows where that is"  This will make you easier to find on the Sugar Daddy websites and harder to find if you happen upon a psycho.
    • If you already live in the bigger city register as living in the city just don't tell anyone what area.  Be vague!
    • I've never once had anyone ask me to be specific about where I live so don't worry too much about it.
  • Don't put you face up on a Sugar Daddy website
    • Blur your pic, black bar your eyes, anything.  A lot of those sites use member pics in their ads, that could be tough to explain to friends and family later.
    • It also gives you an easy excuse to ask for a girl's email address.  She will ask for a face pic, most don't give a shit what you look like as long as you aren't deformed and gross, they really just want to see who they are chatting with.  So she will ask if she can see a face pic and you can just be like "Sure, I can't send one on here though.  What's your email address?"
      • This buys you two things.
        • When she replies to your email might just get her full name which will allow you to find her on Facebook or even MySpace (lol)
        • The other thing you get is most likely her personal email address, using this you will most likely be able to find her on Facebook.
  • Find out who you are chatting with
    • Use any info they have given you to find out who they are and make sure they are real.  You don't want to walk into a bad situation later.
    • More than half of the women on Sugar Daddy sites use their real email addresses and Instant Messenger names.
      • Look those names up on Pipl, Spokeo, or even Facebook.
    • Look up any suspicious pics they send you on TinEye.
    • If you are worried a pic they sent you was heavily photoshopped, go here.
    • This info isn't for stalking!  This is to make sure these women you are chatting with are actually women and not guys looking to swindle you out of your cash!
  • Never send money to anyone!
    • This happens at least twice a week, be prepared to say no every single time.
    • There's always some sad story about a sick dog/kid, wanting to go to spring break, shitty boyfriend, etc.  Don't believe it!
  • Don't put yourself in a position to get blackmailed
    • Remember, these women think you are rich or at least pretty well off.  This puts you at risk of being blackmailed.
    • Don't send nude pics of yourself, don't do anything on webcam you wouldn't mind your grandmother seeing, simple stuff like that.
  • Don't pay for sex
    • It's illegal and not what you're here for.
    • If you want to find a hooker there are plenty of places to find them and this isn't the place.
I know I'll have more do add later but these are the basics and enough to get you started.  Remember, these are my personal rules, not tips.  These are rules that I follow with every woman I get in contact with from one of the Sugar Daddy sites.


  1. How shitty of u. How to be a fake sugar daddy? Booboo you have to give up cash just for talking to sugar babie before ever get a stitch of pussy. I dont believe you ever had a sugar baby. Obviously your broke. Your the type to sit in strip clubs wishing you could be a sugar daddy. Fucking nerd.

  2. Funny I have been a pro at this and you are leaving out a few things that us Vegas girls use to find out who you are and how much you are worth! Lol men aren't that smart

  3. Haha you are the saddest loser I have ever known of. How much of a creep must you be to have to pretend to be rich to get laid. Not hot enough in real life to pick up?? Hahahaaa you freak! I'm actually crying from laughter, you're so sad.

  4. You are a desperate piece of shit.

  5. Fucking disgusting.. you must only get dumb naive barely just turned 18 average looking girls. Because the real pretty model types won't even give you a chance. Loser!

  6. My name is John Pieplow and I am a disgusting pig date rapist. This guy is just like me. High Five. I am way too fat and ugly and gross to get a real woman. So I try to get sex from women who are going through a bad time in life and then stiff them.

  7. What....a.....douche! ! Even a beginner sugar baby has more common sense than that! Only a sad, impotent prick with too much time on his hands would try to pull stupid shit like that. Pathetic, to say the least. You sir, are a perfect example of a narcissistic sociopath. Lucky for us sugar babies, we can usually spot a narcissistic sociopath pretty quickly. Guys like that can only keep their composure for a very short amount of time because they can't stand to be questioned about wether or not he is real or fake sugar daddy. They are notorious for being inconsistent with their bogus stories and fly into an uncontrollable rage when caught in a lie. Most fake sugar daddies suck at being fake anyway! And really, any man (or little boy) who puts in that amount of effort just to get laid is beyond desperate. But you probably already knew that. Helen Keller wouldn't even fall for these so called "rules" .

  8. I must be one of the preyed upon but fortunately I know the difference between a real sugar daddy and a fake. For the Piep see if you are clever enough to figure out who this is.

  9. Lol, no respectable sugar babe would ever give a real email or real name before seeing any money, this only shows that you know nothing and have never actually had any success with your creep tactics. What a loser!

  10. I recommend a sugar Dating Website http://www.mysugardaddydating.de/ .
    It is useful and it works . You can try it , if you want to find a beautiful girl .

  11. Wait until these f****** gets his karma back he'll be crying wishing he never did that, hopefully sooner than later. At least we know for sure nobody can love It.

  12. Dying!! So posting the link to the Sugar Daddy Blacklist for our newbie babies. My interview process weans out these little turds real fast. Desperado!
