I'm going to start off by saying that I'm generally a pretty decent human. I've never been arrested (probably haven't even done anything worth getting arrested for), I work hard, I pay my taxes, I volunteer at an animal shelter, and I'm a neighborly kind of guy. But there's one little thing about me that isn't so nice... I'm a Fake Sugar Daddy.
I've been a Fake Sugar Daddy now for about 5 years. I've learned how to trick, manipulate, and take advantage of the women that are trying to do the exact same thing to very lonely men with a little too much money.
Using this soon to be awesome blog I'm going to tell everyone how to do this themselves and have a fantastic time doing it!
I've had sex with just about every type of woman you can think of; hot ones, blacks, Asians, Latinas, fat, skinny, moms, grandmothers, ugos, virgins, and combinations of them all. I really can't think of a type of woman I haven't been with.
Being a Fake Sugar Daddy isn't as easy as it sounds on the surface. Surprisingly these women are very intelligent for the most part. 75% of them according to a number I made up are basically doing the same thing that I will be teaching you to do...manipulating the crap out of the other person to get what you want. Only there's one large difference. Women have been doing it since they were born, so they have a lot more practice. However we as men have a large advantage. This might be the only area of internet dating where the numbers work in our favor for a change. So you can practice all you want and it's not a big deal when a woman calls you out on your bullshit because there's another one emailing you as you are blocking that one.
In the next few posts I'm going to give you a list of the rules that I always follow as a Fake Sugar Daddy, what sites to use, how to make a decent profile (don't worry, it's not hard and you don't need to be creative), how to protect yourself, and how to do this on a tight budget.
My name is John Pieplow and I am a disgusting pig date rapist. This guy is just like me. High Five. I am way too fat and ugly and gross to get a real woman. So I try to get sex from women who are going through a bad time in life and then stiff them. The guy who posted this, he is really ugly. His name is Bill and he smells like shit and is over 50, but tells all the girls he is 46 on Seeking Arrangement. Do not be fooled into meeting him at his Sherman Oaks location. Bill is fat and disgusting. He takes advantage of women and will be caught and put to jail for date raping them.
ReplyDeleteFuck this guy
ReplyDeleteLOL This guy is a looser NO girl would screw him with half a brain